Important speech

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Centennial plan,Education -based。April 19,General Secretary Xi Jinping inspects Tsinghua University and delivered an important speech,Direction for the development of higher education in my country and the construction of first -class universities,Putting eager expectations for teachers and young students。The important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping is rich in connotation、Deep thoughts、Love is true、Language and heart long,Teachers and students from all walks of life, especially colleges and universities, expressed,Based on the overall situation of the great rejuvenation strategy of the Chinese nation and the world's unprecedented changes,"The Great of the Country",Grasp the big potential,Dare to take responsibility,Good at,To serve the country's rich and strong、National Fuxing、The contribution of the people's happiness。 The world -class university we want to build is a first -class university for socialism with Chinese characteristics General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out,We want to build ...........

Learning dynamics
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    Group Party Committee held 2021 party history learning and education special democratic life meeting

    On the afternoon of February 23,The Group's Party Committee holds the Democratic Life Meeting of the Party History Study and Education,Leader of the Seventeenth Tour Guidance Team of the Provincial Party History and Education、Liu Weimin, chairman of the Provincial State -owned Enterprise Supervisory Board, attended the meeting for guidance,Group Party Committee Secretary、Chairman Han Yichang chaired the meeting。Members of all leaders of the group attended the meeting。......[Details]
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    The Group's Party Committee carried out the theme of the theme dafabet casino mobile appof the "September 18th" Incident.

    For the solid development of party history learning and education activities,Strengthen the sense of revitalization of party members and cadres and the sense of patriotism of the party of love party。September 18,The group party committee organizes cadres and employees to carry out a one -day party history learning education and "don't forget the country's self -improvement" to commemorate the theme dafabet casino mobile appof the "September 18th" Incident.。Members of all leaders of the Group、The main person in charge of each second -level unit、The heads of various departments (rooms) and all cadres and employees of relevant departments participated in the event。......[Details]
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    Group Party Committee carried out party history study education theme party day activities

    To welcome the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party,Further promote the study and education of party history,April 7,Group Party Committee organized party members to watch the major party history movie "Gutian Army"。 "Gutian Army" uses sincere artistic expression and innovation method,From the perspective of a Red Army trumpet,It tells the Red Army's breakthrough from Jinggangshan to Fujian,Young Revolutionary Leaders lead the young Red Army,Explore the truth in despair,Open the extraordinary journey of the success of the Chinese revolution。During the movie viewing process,Party members and cadres have further reviewed the difficult journey of the Communist Party of China and the brilliant achievements that have achieved,Deeply understanding the firm determination of the Communist Party of China to promote the construction of the party's clean government and the struggle for anti -corruption。Everyone said,This view ...........[Details]
Learning information

Watch the party's century -old struggle from the Great History

【Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China · Party History Theory】 Centennial Party History,Virginity,Elastic momentum,It contains majestic strength .............

5 years after 5 years,The important speech of the General Secretary made an extraordinary significance again

The "Seeking" magazine published on April 16 Published the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping in 2016 at the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China。......

People's Daily commentator: Further carry forward the spirit of the revolution -on solid development of party history learning and education

dafabet mobile loginXinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 13. People's Daily April 14 Reviewer article: Further carry forward the spirit of the revolution — On the solid development of party history learning and education People do not stand without spirit,If the country has no spirit, it is not strong。Revolutionary Spirit is the precious wealth of the party and the country。 General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at the party history learning and education mobilization meeting,During the 100 -year -old struggle journey,generations of generations of Chinese Communists stubbornly fight、Unremitting struggle,A large number of revolutionary martyrs who have seen death have emerged、A large number of stubborn heroes、A large number of advanced models of forget -me -not -meal dedication,formed a series of great spirit,Building the spirituality of the Chinese Communists,Provided rich nourishment for our standing party and strong party。Carry out party history learning and education solidly,It is necessary to educate .........

People's Daily commentator: Further understand the power of thought

Thought is power。A nation is at the forefront of the times,You must have no theoretical thinking for a moment,You must not have ideological guidance at a moment。 General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at the party history learning and education mobilization meeting,To educate and guide the whole party how to deeply change China from the party's extraordinary journey、Change the world,Feeling Marxism's truth and practical power,Deepen the understanding of the theoretical quality of Chineseization Marxism in one pulse and keeping with the times,In particular, it is necessary to achieve historic achievements in the party and the state since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China、Process of historic change,Deeply learn to understand the innovation theory of the party in the new era,Perseverance uses the latest achievements of the party's innovation theory for armed brain、Guidance practice、Promoting work。Carrying out party history learning and education solidly ...........

The China Office issued the "Notice" to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and organize the development of "forever with the party" mass propaganda and education activities

dafabet mobile loginXinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 11th. Recently,The General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued and issued the "Notice on Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Communist Party of China to carry out the" Forever Party Public "theme publicity and education activities,Make arrangements for the publicity and educational activities to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China。 dafabet casino mobile app"Notice" emphasizes,It is necessary to raise the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Evistic Leninism、Mao Zedong Thought、Deng Xiaoping theory、"Three Represents" important thought、Scientific Concept、Xi Jinping's thoughts of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era,Comprehensively implement the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the 2nd Middle School of the 19th National Congress、Third Middle School、Fourth Middle School、Plenary Session of the Fifth Central Committee,The theme of "Always follow the party",Various forms of organizational development、Mass -like theme with rich content ...........

Practicing the survey and research basic skills of the heirloom of the Communist Party

[Learning Thoughts and Practice] Pay attention to investigation research,It is the fine tradition and important advantage of our party,It is our party's revolution、Construction、Reform Each historical period to do an important heirk of leadership work。Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core attaches great importance to investigation and research。The first provisions of the eight provisions of the Central Committee,It is to improve investigation and research。General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly discussed the investigation and research,Proposed "No Investigation,There is no right to speak,There is no decision -making power "," Investigation and Research is the basic skills of doing a good job "and other important judgments,Specific and profoundly answered why investigation and research、How to investigate research and other major propositions,Basic skills for us to practice investigations and research,It is important to do a good job of various tasks。 Investigation and research are conspiracy ...........