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dafabet mobile loginDigital Intelligent Management Center (Digital Center)

Release date: 2021-06-07 & nbsp & nbsp Author: & nbsp & nbsp Source: & nbsp & nbsp Click volume: 12443 & nbsp & nbsp Share to:

dafabet mobile loginDigital Intelligent Management center of large projects is the development strategy of Shaanxi Land Engineering Construction Group with the country's "two new and one heavy" development strategy,Grabbing digital transformation opportunities,For the important booster to achieve the high -quality development of the enterprise。Digital Smart Decision Platform,Service Group's major project,For the project efficient decision -making、Demonstration、Command、Evaluation、Emergency management provides full process digitalization、Information technology support,Forms the basic condition of information leading、New model of modern enterprise management of industrial structure and innovation capabilities。

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       In terms of project planning,The center of the center integrates the concept of concept and digital twin concept,Establish a three -dimensional visualization planning and design platform,Implementing engineering projects care、Thought、Planning、Plan to generate、Decision、Design、Supervision of the construction process、Completion acceptance、Post -evaluation、The intuitive and real presentation of various stages of the project's lifelong digital operation management and other stages,Make complex and abstract planning mobileand design solutions clear and easy to understand,and provide real -time adjustment and modification functions,Improve planning and design efficiency。

       In terms of decision -making assistance,The center relies on big data technology to provide real -time data support for project management,Customized project management and emergency command system,Analysis and integration of various project information,Realize the estimation of project income、Investment control、progress management、Real -time dynamic presentation of major matters,At the same time, it provides a real -time backing function based on 5G and drone technology,Improve decision -making and process supervision efficiency。

       The center insists on technology -driven,Take parallel competition,To the greatest extent stimulate the innovative thinking and power of project planners,Cultivate professional project planner for the group through actual combat,Provide a full -process project planning solution for the new urbanization construction and land improvement project,The important role of leading the group's soft power improvement。