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The group system has more than 2,000 people with various types of employees,The number of graduate students in the management team accounts for 85%,Doctoral students 81。Enjoy special allowances of the State Council Government、Shaanxi Province has outstanding contribution experts、Top talents in key areas in Shaanxi Province。Having the first doctoral research workstation in the country with land engineering as the research direction,Nine major scientific research platforms such as the degradation of the Ministry of Natural Resources and the key laboratory of the land improvement project。The first to propose the establishment of land engineering disciplines in China,Cooperate with Chang'an University to build a School of Land Engineering,The level of scientific research and practical ability in the field of land engineering has reached domestic leaders、International advanced level。Group's current operating quality shows rapid growth、A good situation of improving quality and efficiency,The Group has been evaluated for the provincial enterprise comprehensive assessment A -level enterprise for seven consecutive years,Winnamed the Provincial State -owned System System Growth Contribution Award for three consecutive years,In 2018, it won dafabet casino mobile appthe "double champion" for the high -quality development of net assets and pay income from provincial enterprises in 2018,2019 net asset yield、The two indicators of the growth rate of fixed assets are ranked first in the provincial enterprise,In 2021, it won the special contribution award of the provincial state -owned assets system for steady growth。The second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award has been won.,21 provincial and ministerial scientific and technological awards and many other scientific research honors。Won the National May Day Labor Award、Advanced Collective of Shaanxi Province、Shaanxi Provincial Quality Award、Shaanxi Province to help out of poverty alleviation excellent enterprises、A -level taxpayer、Hard Technology Demonstration Unit and many other awards。