Topics of party building

State -owned enterprise responsibility


Shaanxi Land Construction Group Seeing Righteousness Get the Banner for Workers

On the morning of July 15th,Luo Shui boy Wang Haoyu's family is grateful,Jinqi, which is printed with the words "Keeping in a crisis at the crisis and helping the righteous hero" and the self -writing letter to the group of the group's employee Kang Wenying,This is to express my sincere thanks to the behavior of Comrade Kang Wenying's heroic rescue of the children's falling children.。

Trade union work


Weinan Branch Trade Union carried out "cool heat and cooling care refreshing" condolences

dafabet casino mobile appRecent,Weinan Branch Trade Union Organization to carry out "cool summer and cool care" condolences,Send Huoxiang Zhengqi Water to the soil Sanpu front -line employees、mineral water、Herbal tea and other heatstroke cooling supplies。Activity scene,Everyone exchanged the three puppets of the soil。Big ...