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The Party Committee of Ankang Branch held a study and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideological theme education.09-09
The Party Committee of Xianyang Branch held a study and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideological theme education.09-07
The Party Committee of the Hanzhong Branch held a study and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideological theme education.09-07
The Party Committee of Guangtai Consulting Company held a study and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideological theme education.09-06
The grassroots party branch of the Hanzhong Branch held a study and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideology of socialism in the new era09-06
Construction of the Survey and Planning Institute of the Survey and Planning Institute held a study and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideological theme education.09-01
The Party Committee of the Tongchuan Branch held a study and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideological theme education.08-31
The Party Committee of Yan'an Branch held a study and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideological theme education.08-30
Weibei Branch's grass -roots party branches carried out the theme party day event of "Adhering to the Future of the Early heart"05-31
Construction of the hotel group party committee mobileorganized the theme education red research activity05-26
The Party Committee of the Hanzhong Branch mobileorganized the theme education practice research theme party day05-25
Construction Institute held a study and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideological theme education experience exchanges and work promotion meeting05-22
Weinan Branch Party Committee organized the "Xi Jinping Entering the People's Home" reading sharing meeting05-19
Construction of Guantian Company to carry out training and observation activities05-18
Weibei Branch Party Committee organizes the theme practice research activities05-15