New type of urbanization and beautiful rural construction typical demonstration projects

Land Rectification

The land management industry is the foundation and foundation of the development of the development of Shaanxi Land Construction Group,Daping land management industry is the primary task of the reform and development of Shaanxi Land Construction Group。Deepen the expansion of the "Pure Land Project" system with "Organic Reconstruction" as the core technology,Comprehensively promote urban renewal and transformation around dafabet casino mobile appthe new type of urbanization,Improve the living environment and the quality of the city; improve the efficiency of land utilization around rural revitalization,Pick up the responsibility for the construction of national food security and promoting the construction of ecological civilization,Promoting the value and potential of the release of land resources,Being able to coordinate the harmonious development,Improve the carrying capacity of land resources,Help regional economic development。Shaanxi Landjian will adhere to and deepen the "Pure Land Engineering" technology,Actively respond to the development strategy of the national new type of urbanization and rural revitalization,Grabbing the ecological protection and high -quality development strategic opportunities of the Yellow River Basin,Accelerate the pace of transformation and upgrading,Constantly improve the popularity of the international market。...[Details]

Ecological Real Estate

Shaanxi Land Construction Group Real Estate Industry Relying on the advantages of the land management industry,Focus on the construction of new urbanization and rural revitalization,Make full use of the "Pure Land Project" advantage of the group company,Coordinated promotion of production space intensive efficiency、Moderate living space livable、Ecological space healthy and safe development pattern,Continuously meet the people's growing good needs,Construction people get along with nature、High -quality livable space of symbiosis and prosperity。The real estate industry of the group will be deeply integrated into the country's strategy of promoting new urbanization and rural revitalization strategies,Objectives around "people's yearning" and "improvement of life satisfaction" target,Adhere to the maintenance of the group's land management industry extension real mobileestate project、Actively cultivating independent development of real estate projects is an important direction,Forms residential development、Commercial Real Estate、The development pattern of diversified industries such as the new village and other diversified industries。...[Details]

Modern Hotel Industry

Shaanxi Land Construction Group's accommodation industry adheres to the positioning of "local high -end special hotel demand providers and accommodation characteristic experience providers",Local characteristic culture、Tourism resources、Green Ecology is relying on,Vigorously develop stars、A non -star business hotel、Resort hotel、Conference -type hotels and other types of hotels,Explore the Development Inn B & B、Cultural theme Hotel、Green Ecological Hotel and other high -quality accommodation new formats,Peiqiang Peiyou Create a comprehensive service system,Forms a brand -building special hotel brand。Introduction to diversified commercial services,Extension of the upstream and downstream industrial chain of the accommodation industry,Construct a new pattern of multi -format integration and development,Drives prosperous business through the accommodation industry,Improve location quality,Realize the regional value -added premium,Help the Group's land management industry、The development of the real estate industry。...[Details]