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Shangluo Branch held a special meeting for safety production work in the third quarter of 202407-25
Shangnan County 2023 High -standard farmland construction project successfully passed the county -level acceptance07-25
Ankang Branch signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Ankang College07-23
Northwest Branch jointly convened a seminar on comprehensive governance of saline -alkali and land07-19
Li Zhongping, deputy mayor of Xianyang City, and his party went to Qinchuangyuan West (Xianyang) Science and Technology Venture Bay Project to visit and investigate07-17
Ankang Branch signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement with Shaanxi Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering Group07-13
Research Institute was selected as the provincial state -owned assets committee system system clean state -owned enterprise construction demonstration first -line unit07-12
Shaanxi Province Natural Resources Department to the group's high -standard farmland demonstration construction project (Qishan area) to carry out production capacity verification work07-12
Construction Nanshan (Xi'an) Hotel、Academic Exchange Center (浐灞) Successful winning the provincial party and government agencies conference on the bid07-11
Teachers and students from Northwest Agriculture and Forestry Science and Technology to the group to visit the group's high standard farmland demonstration construction project (Fengxiang area) to visit and study07-11
Hanzhong Branch held a work meeting in the first half of 202407-10
Teachers and students from Northwest Agriculture and Forestry Science and Technology to visit the protection and quality dafabet mobile appimprovement of Yangling Parland in China07-08
Building a comprehensive company to carry out the summer "cooling" series of activities07-05
Jilin Province Soil Census Office went to the Yangling Experimental Zone to supervise and inspect07-05
Yan'an Branch held a special study meeting for hotel planning and operation07-05