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Group "Two Alliances" in the village joint households successfully passed the assessment of the assistance unit of Shangnan County in the Shangnan County in 2020

Release date: 2020-12-11 & nbsp & nbsp Author: & nbsp & nbsp Source: Shangluo Branch & nbsp & nbsp Click volume: 22237 & nbsp & nbsp Share to:

December 9,The Provincial Natural Resources Department leads the organization of the poverty alleviation assessment team to Shuigou Village Inspection Group "Two Unions and One Pack" in the village poverty alleviation work。


Through field survey of the industry poverty alleviation rosette, the village -level public welfare laundry room、Employment assistance projects in industrial industrial and other industries such as bathroom,Listen to the report of the group's "two -united and one bag" resident team on poverty alleviation work,and conduct satisfaction evaluation of village cadres and villagers representatives in accordance with the standards for poverty alleviation assessment standards,The assessment team gives a high degree of affirmation of the group assistance work,I agree that the group's poverty alleviation work has great assistance、Precise measures、Significant results。The group of "two -united bags" in the group said that it will mobilecontinue to consolidate the results of poverty alleviation to prevent poverty,Household withdrawing the liability for not unloading assistance,Efforts to practice the mission of the provincial public welfare state -owned enterprise。

(Contributor: Song Xinyi)