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Shangluo Branch launched the "Learning Party History、Practice at the beginning,I do practical things for the masses "theme party day event

Release date: 2021-05-21 & nbsp & nbsp Author: & nbsp & nbsp Source: Shangluo Branch & nbsp & nbsp Click volume: 20485 & nbsp & nbsp Share to:

Recently,Shangluo Branch and Weinan Branch went to the group's "Two Unions and One Package" package supporting point to Shangnan County Congfenglou Town Shuigou Village、Practice at the beginning,I do practical activities for the masses。


       The activity is carried out in the form of symposium and visits。At the symposium,Everyone collectively watched the red education film "Fire" at the Party Mass Service Center of Shuigou Village,Learn about the basic situation of the village group、The results of poverty alleviation and industrial development,Participants around the history of the party、Discussion on topics such as actual affairs and rural revitalization。After the meeting,Everyone visited the rose planting demonstration base,and sorted out the base environmental sanitation,Visit and condolences to some poverty alleviation households,and donated the party history study education exhibition board to the two committees dafabet casino mobile appof Shuigou Village。Everyone said,It is necessary to implement the party history of the party and the masses for the masses to specific work,Show the social responsibility of building people with actual actions。