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【China Business Daily】 Strong confidence starts 2023

Release date: 2023-03-09 & nbsp & nbsp Author: & nbsp & nbsp Source: & nbsp & nbsp Click volume: 5969 & nbsp & nbsp Share to:


2023,Shaanxi launches high -quality project promotion year、The business environment breakthrough year、Cadre style of the "three years" activity,Open a good game for various tasks throughout the year、Start up for a good step、Haying a good volume is important。China Business News launched a series of "Strong Faithing 2023" series of reports,All -in -one、Diven multiple angles to explore typical cases and excellent experiences and practices of various industries in our province to promote high -quality development。
        High -quality development is the primary task of comprehensively building a socialist modern country,Realizing high -quality development is one of the essential requirements of Chinese -style modernization。State -owned enterprises and state -owned enterprises should bear the burden of high -quality development and pioneer。
As the main force in economic development,New year,How do state -owned enterprises in Shaanxi practice the "three years"? How to continuously create new kinetic energy with high -quality development、New advantage? This period,A reporter from China Business Daily specially interviewed the deputy secretary of the party dafabet logincommittee of the Land Engineering Construction Group of Shaanxi Province、General Manager Tang Hongjun,Focus on 300,000 acres of high -standard farmland demonstration projects in our province,Learn that Shaanxi Land Construction Group was stabilizing the economy in 2023、Promoting development、Delivery and planning in the aspects of strong confidence。
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Carrying out the "Three Years" activity is significant。Under the leadership of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government,Shaanxi Provincial State -owned Enterprise System System Starting Rapid、Accelerate the start,Further strengthen high -quality project hard support、Business environment hard foundation、Cadres' style of hard work,Go all out to sprint and open the door.、Decisive all year red。
  China Business Daily: In response to the specific deployment of the "three years" work in response to the province,Please focus on introducing new measures in Shaanxi land、What are the new practices?
Tang Hongjun: After the "Three Years" meeting in the province was held,Shaanxi Land Construction Group Party Committee conveyed the spirit of the provincial mobilization meeting and quickly convened a unified thought of the group's affairs,Specific deployment of work。
Future,We will carry out specific work from three levels,First, actively establish a close cooperative relationship with the business departments of various local cities,Fully participate in the construction of high standard farmland,At the same time, continuously strengthen technological innovation and model research,Continue to do a good job of technical services and demonstration leaders of high -standard farmland construction in the province。Second is to seize new opportunities in the real estate market,Create high standards、Diversified、Improved residence,Powerful effort to make ecological real estate better。Third is the opportunity to build a trillion -level cultural tourism industry in the province,Strengthen hotel construction、Continuous improvement of business ability,Firmly promote the high -quality development of the hotel industry。
  China Business Daily: What is the key work direction of the group this year?
Tang Hongjun: 2023,Group will focus on the main line of high -quality development theme,Active service and integration into the new development pattern,Tree's economic consciousness,Leading with party building、Taking the project as the starting point、With innovation as the power、Taking reform as a breakthrough,Contributions to the stable economic market in the province。
  China Business Daily: Stable economy、Promoting dafabet logindevelopment、In terms of confidence,and high -quality development、Low -carbon development、Innovation and transformation and other key areas,What are the contents of the relevant projects of Shaanxi Jianjian Group?
Tang Hongjun: This year,The key work of the group is mainly reflected in the two aspects of strengthening industrial support and doing excellent technology innovation。
strong industrial support,To concentrate strength、Gathering Resources、Integrated elements,Efforts to realize the "project breakthrough、Breakthrough big project "。First take the leading unit as a high -standard farmland construction technology in the province as an opportunity,Accelerate the project expansion and construction work; secondly, as a platform as a general contractor for the "Sanpu" technology as the province's soil,Do a good job of "soil medical examination"; finally as participating in new urbanization construction、The main force of the rural revitalization strategy is power,Pay close attention to key project planning、Implementation work。
In terms of excellent technological innovation,Continuously enhance innovation and competitiveness,Continue to occupy the high point of the industry's science and technology system,Build a batch of innovative platforms,Forming a batch of innovative results,overcome a batch of technical problems,Promoting the effectiveness of innovation -driven development,Efforts to make greater contributions to serving the national strategy。
  Promote the construction of high -standard farmland construction and cultivated land protection
initially formed "Shaanxi Model" and "Earth Construction Mode"

February this year,Our province's 300,000 acres of high -standard farmland demonstration projects in 2023 in 2023. The concentrated construction activities of Yangling Konland in China in the Yangling Demonstration Zone were held。
It is reported,Shaanxi Land Construction Group undertakes 300,000 acres of demonstration projects in 10 cities and 20 counties in the province,High -standard farmland construction "Shaanxi Model" and "ground construction model" with high standard farmland with the value of replication and promotion have been formed。
  China Business Daily: 300,000 acres of high -standard farmland demonstration projects are key project projects in our province,Please talk about the advanced experience and practices of "ground building model"。
Tang Hongjun: The Group adopts the four -in -one construction model of "Selection + Design + R & D + Construction",Construction of 80,000 acres of high -standard farmland,Effective cracking the size of the single project is not large、Slow progress in the early stage、The construction progress is not fast、The quality of construction dafabet loginis not high、System mechanism is not alive and other boss problems。
At the same time,We give full play to the advantages of technology,Carry out "Cultivation and Repair Project","Physical Examination" for the quality of cultivated land。Forms high -standard farmland technology research and development、Standard formulation、Quality control and daily regulatory system。
  China Business Daily: 300,000 acres of high -standard farmland demonstration projects concentrated,What is the significance of the country's rural revitalization work?
Tang Hongjun: High -standard farmland is the main battlefield of food production,The main force of food production capacity,is the basic disk and cockpit stone for ensuring food safety。
2023,Shaanxi Land Construction Group will continue to focus on the main line of high -quality development theme,Full、Accurate、Comprehensive implementation of new development concepts,Opportunity with a new round of 100 billion kg of grain production capacity improvement action,High -quality and high efficiency Promoting high -standard farmland construction and cultivated land protection work,Standards of the construction standard of high standard farmland、New Equipment R & D、New Technology Integrated Application,Typical survey of agricultural land,and the third national soil census work that is about to be fully rolled out,Continuous innovation、overcome difficulties,Actively improve the quality of cultivated land for our province、Quantity dynamic balance,Make new contributions to ensuring national food security。At the same time,Shaanxi Land Construction Group will accelerate the construction of new urbanization and rural revitalization projects,Help county economy improvement and efficiency、Coordinated development of the area,Construction forces for the continuous contribution to the high -quality development of our province。 China Business Daily reporter Zhang Qiuwen/Picture