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赓 Renewal of red blood drawing the power of belief

dafabet loginThe Group Youth League Committee organizes to carry out May 4th Youth Viewing Activities

Release date: 2023-04-28 & nbsp & nbsp Author: Li Jiaze & nbsp & nbsp Source: Party and Mass Work Department & nbsp & nbsp Click volume: 10225 & nbsp & nbsp Share to:

To commemorate the 104th anniversary of the May 4th Movement,Promote the "May 4th" spirit,Solid the study and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideological theme education in the new era,Further build the foundation of the faith of all members of all members,In the afternoon of April 28,dafabet loginThe Group Youth League Committee organizes to watch the red movie "Wang Tao"。From the departments of the group headquarters (room)、More than 50 members of the group members of each second -level unit participated in the event。


The film "Wang Tao" is based on the life of Chen Wangdao, the first Chinese translator of the Communist Party of China,Showing its determination and perseverance、Legendary life,At the same time, a panoramic view of a group of young revolutionaries represented by Chen Wangdao,Fully showed the courage and responsibility of the revolutionaries when facing the choice of life and death,Expressing the pursuit of the truth of the revolutionaries、Persist in the spirit of the Avenue。

After the movie viewing is over,League members of the group said,Under the motivation of Mr. Chen Wangdao's deeds,In -depth learning and implementationXi Jinping's thoughts of dafabet mobile appsocialism with Chinese characteristics in the new eraThe 20th spirit of the party,Believe and determination to follow the party,Promote the spirit of the great party,Inheritance Red Gene,Consciously use the theoretical results of the party's innovative theoretical results、Guidance practice、Promoting work,Build the foundation of faith、Make up the calcium of the spirit、Rite of steady thought,Don’t forget the original heart、Keep in mind the mission,Continue to compose a new chapter of the Group's high -quality development of the group to contribute youthful power。