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【Shaanxi Daily】 Government and Enterprise jointly guarantee to keep the house for the appearance of the home.

Release date: 2023-09-04 & nbsp & nbsp Author: & nbsp & nbsp Source: Shaanxi Daily & nbsp & nbsp Click volume: 10628 & nbsp & nbsp Share to:

Newspaper (Reporter Xiao Qian) "Before the official receipt,I look forward to and worry about the dafabet mobile appnew house。Today,The heart is completely settled。"August 31,The first batch of house delivery site at the DK3 of the Yan'an Courtyard Project,The owner's representative Ma Tao took the "golden key" symbolizing the opening of a happy life。Subsequent,Ma Tao handed on a brocade flag,On behalf of all owners, thank you for thanks to Shaanxi Land Engineering Construction Group Co., Ltd.。

The Yan'an Courtyard Project is located at the junction of Pagoda New District and Laosheng District,Planning more than 70 high -rise and bungalows,Can accommodate more than 2,400 households。This successful delivery of 886 houses,The attitude of reflecting the entrance of administrative enterprises to protect the building、strength and determination,To boost market confidence、Maintaining social stability is positive。

Hao Wentao, deputy director of the Yan'an Housing and Urban Construction Bureau, said: "Yan'an Municipal Party Committee、Municipal Government attaches great importance to the work of insurance delivery,Hold a special meeting many times to listen to the report,Specific job deployment。The municipal government set up a special work class,Formed the deputy mayor to take the lead in grasping the total、Municipal Housing and Urban Construction Bureau coordinated coordination、Working system for division of labor in the municipal department,Effectively promote the construction of each project。”

Shaanxi Landjian Real Estate Development Group Co., Ltd. Secretary of the Party Committee、Chairman He Lu said: "October last year,To implement the Yan'an Municipal Party Committee、Policy requirements for the city government'dafabet mobile apps insured diplomatic relations,We firmly fulfill the responsibility of state -owned enterprises,The first time I took the Yan'an Puppet Hospital Project,Investing 500 million yuan to actively promote resumption of work and production,Reasonable inverted workmanship,Carefully organize homework,Effectively fulfilling the "insurance delivery" commitment。”

Now,The beautiful appearance of the family can be matched。At the delivery site,There is an endless stream of owners who come to check in the house collection procedures,Smile is overflowing。Under the guidance of the staff,Owners order procedures in an orderly manner,and accompanied by the staff of the house inspection group, "one -to -one" house inspection。Holding the key with one hand,Holding a souvenir with one hand,The owner feels the beauty of "going home" in intimate services。

"The decoration of the new house is bright and warm,Son is very satisfied。He intends to get married this year,I want to move in early。"Wang Gaofei, the owner who just finished the house, told reporters。

Current,The Yan'an Courtyard Project is under construction in an orderly manner。Li Qian, chief engineer of Shaanxi Landjian Real Estate Development Group Co., Ltd. introduced: "Under the premise of ensuring safety and quality,We have full horsepower to step up construction,Currently focusing on the greening and interior decoration of courtyard,You can complete all delivery tasks at the end of the year。”