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Read the important guidelines in the golden sentences of the General Secretary

Release date: 2024-03-14 & nbsp & nbsp Author: & nbsp & nbsp Source: Xinhua News Agency & nbsp & nbsp Click volume: 4635 & nbsp & nbsp Share to:

The first observation of the two sessions

2024 National Two Sessions,General Secretary Xi Jinping went to the group three times to participate in the review and discussion,Different from members of the same representative、The Communist State is。Talking about achievements、On the situation、Talk about countermeasures、Requirement ... The General Secretary makes a series of important discussions,Guide future development direction。 mobile

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized when participating in the Jiangsu delegation for review: "We must firmly grasp the primary task of high -quality development,Develop new productive forces for local conditions。”"Adaptation according to local conditions" four -character province.

When all localities and departments are rushing to lay out new productive productive forces,General Secretary proposed "Persist in starting from actual,Establish it first and break、Adactions to local conditions、Classification Guidance ",It is required that all departments and departments can not only be enthusiastic with a cavity、One cozy,and based on your own actual,Adhere to "Open a key to open a lock",Ensure that the development of new quality of new quality and orderly advance、Get results。

"Not ignored、Give up traditional industries "" prevent one coaxing、Bubble "" Do not engage in a mode "...、Practical requirements,It indicates that the development of new quality products must handle emerging industries、The relationship between future industry dafabet casino mobile appand traditional industries。

When attending the general meeting of the People's Liberation Army and the Armed Police Force,General Secretary emphasizes "promoting new productivity and high efficiency of combat effectiveness with new quality、Two -way pull "" Create new productive and new combat effectiveness growth poles ",Transmits a firm will to accelerate the new quality combat effectiveness。

"Plan further and comprehensively deepen the major measures for reform"

The fourth meeting of the Central Comprehensive Deepening Reform Commission held recently to release important signals: This year is another important year of comprehensive deepening reform,The main task is to plan further and comprehensively deepen reform。

At the two sessions of the country, General Secretary Xi Jinping further deployed:A delegation in Jiangsu,Proposed "Deepening the Science and Technology System、Education System、Talent system and other reforms,Playing the stuffing of the new quality development of new product development ";,Emphasizing the need to promote ecological protection and restoration with the "reform of reform"、Cracking the prominent problem of ecological environment。Focus on cracking down depth -level system mechanism obstacles and structural contradictions,Running to solve the most prominent problem,General Secretary pointed out some key areas that further deepen the reform。

"Coordinating Promoting Scientific and Technological Innovation and Industrial Innovation"

In the process of promoting high -quality development,The importance of technological innovation is self -evident。Always,General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to strengthening scientific and technological innovation and deep integration of industrial innovation。Scientific and technological innovation is the decisive premise and key support of industrial innovation,and industrial innovation is the end of the transformation and transformation of scientific and technological innovation.。

At the Association of the CPPCC,General Secretary affirmed the direction of coordinating the promotion of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation: "In the past research and production," two skin ',The transformation rate of scientific research results is much higher than in the past,In particular, the company itself develops the results of the results of the results of the results,Universities and enterprises formed a community,This trend、The direction is right,Fast horse and whip,Inconsistent、Promoting policy further。”

Coordinated to promote technological innovation and industrial innovation,is leading scientific and technological innovation,Coordinated to promote the upgrade of traditional industries、Emerging industry growth、Future Industry Cultivation,Make the innovative results speed up from the "laboratory" to the "production line",Converted into real productivity、New quality productive forces,Injects more abundant kinetic energy for high -quality development。

"Support high -quality development with high levels of protection"

The dafabet mobile app20th report of the party pointed out,"Promote the greening of economic and social development、Low carbonization is a key link for achieving high -quality development ",It reveals that high -quality development and high level of protection are complementary、complementary dialectical unified relationship。

Emphasized from the National Ecological Environment Protection Conference last year, "through high -level environmental protection,Constantly shaping the new kinetic energy of development、New advantage ",At this CPPCC Union Association, "high -level protection support high -quality development",fully reflects the general secretary's grand vision and dialectical thinking。The direction is clearer: Based on high -level protection, the ecological advantage is transformed into a development advantage,Personal circulation of realizing protection and development,to promote the green transformation of the economy and society、Sustainable and high -quality development。

"To realize Chinese -style modernization,The Internet must pass "

At the Association of the CPPCC,Member Wu Jianping from the science and technology industry said: "We must strive to realize the control and controlling of the next generation of core technology in the next generation,Put the innovation initiative of the Internet power、Development initiative is firmly in your own hands。”The point of view of member Wu Jianping,General Secretary Xi Jinping agreed: "To realize Chinese -style modernization,The Internet must pass。”Building network power is the basis for achieving high -quality development,The core technology of the Internet is the "Life Gate" of the online power of the Internet。

We have to master the innovative initiative of the Internet power,Only self -reliance、Technical Innovation,Only to calmly deal with various network security threats,Double -wheel drive supporting network space security and development,Building with a network power to help Chinese -style modernization。

"Big Country Craft、Beilou "

The spirit of the craftsman is the rigorous and seriousness of the Chinese nation、Toughness、Pursuing an excellent national temperament。Over the present,The spirit of the craftsman has always changed and shaped China。Benefit、"Better -care" big country craftsmen constantly brightly polish Chinese manufacturing、Forging major country heavy weapons。Like General Secretary Xi Jinping,"To establish the spirit of craftsmen,Classified batch of craftsmen on the front line。This is the pillar of the pillar,No diamond diamond,Can't help porcelain "。

Time Development,Need a big country craftsman; move towards the new journey,Need to vigorously promote the spirit of craftsmen。Today's high -quality development,Whether it is a traditional industry or an emerging industry、Future Industry,Big artisans are indispensable in the historical process of developing new productivity。

"Hold your dry after seeing it"

From the 2023 Central Economic Work Conference mobilepointed out, "I will dry it if you see it";,General Secretary emphasized "to seize all favorable timing,Use all favorable conditions,Hold up if you see it,Bring up the motivation of all aspects ";,The General Secretary states "Don't just criticize there、Fingers to draw feet,But actual action,Solution is a little bit "。Through it,It's down -to -earth、The spirit of hard work。

This is a key year for achieving the "14th Five -Year Plan" planning goals this,War Drum Reminder,Don’t wait for me。Current,The direction of China's economy and the direction of achieving breakthroughs is very clear,General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasizes "Hold down if you see it" and "Real Action",Just call for everyone to seize the opportunity、Hope to be down -to -earth,Efforts to respond to the uncertainty of changes in the situation with the certainty of their own work,Steady realization of established strategic goals。

"Stability improves the level of people's livelihood guarantee in development"

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that "the people's happiness is the ultimate goal of promoting high -quality development" last year when participating in the Jiangsu delegation for review,The representatives of the Jiangsu delegation this year,General Secretary pointed out "We must adhere to the people -centered development ideas,Steady improvement in the development of people's livelihood in development,Guide to encourage the masses to rely on their hands to create a happy life "。

The people -centered governance concept,One of them、Always firm。The important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping,Deeply revealed the construction of a strong country、National rejuvenation must rely on the people,Draw wisdom and strength from the people,The ultimate goal is everything for the people。"As long as we see that we are walking forward,Keep a fixed force "

About ecological environment problems,General Secretary thinks in depth、Summary experience: "As long as we see that we are walking forward,It is necessary to maintain a constant force。”The Road to scientific and technological innovation,General Secretary pointed out deeply: "The Party Central Committee is about accelerating the promotion of high -level technology self -reliance、Develop new productive forces,Unified understanding has been formed,,But this is not a while and a half for a while。”

How to view various problems encountered in development,Both test the historical vision and firm belief。Full of confidence,Keep fixed force,For us to know the economic situation、Copy challenges of difficulties,It has important guiding significance to continue along the correct road。