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Shaanxi Provincial Land Engineering Construction Group 2024 recruitment registration announcement

Release date: 2024-03-18 & nbsp & nbsp Author: & nbsp & nbsp Source: Human Resources Department & nbsp & nbsp Click volume: 10134 & nbsp & nbsp Share to:

Our Group on February 20 on the Group's official website、College Employment Information Network、WeChat public account、Zhilian Recruitment、Weibo、Today's Headline and other mellow media platforms released the spring of 2024 recruitment announcement,Public recruitment of doctoral students 5、65 graduate students。

As of March 15th resume delivery period,Some from Peking University、Tsinghua University、Renmin University of China、Shanghai Jiaotong University、Zhejiang University、University of Hong Kong、University College London、Singapore National University、A total of 4,261 candidates from 514 colleges and universities in 25 countries and regions including the University of Pennsylvania, including the University of 514,。Qualification review,4119 people meet the registration conditions,Among them, 74 doctoral students、Master's graduate students 4045,346 students with overseas students。

Our Group will carry out dafabet loginonline preliminary test work from March 23 to March 25th,At that time, it will be released on the official website for related notes,Candidates who meet the conditions of the initial test continue to pay attention,I wish everyone a good results。

Shaanxi Land Engineering Construction Group

Human Resources Department

March 18, 2024