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Chinese rice bowls should be mainly equipped with Chinese food

Release date: 2024-04-07 & nbsp & nbsp Author: & nbsp & nbsp Source: & nbsp & nbsp Click volume: 4246 & nbsp & nbsp Share to:

March 19,General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized during his inspection in Hunan: "my country has more than 1.4 billion people,Grain safety must be guaranteed by ourselves,Chinese rice bowls should be mainly equipped with Chinese food。"Youyou,Eating is big。Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to agricultural and rural work,Solve the problem of good eating,General Secretary Nian Zi Zezi。This article sorts out some of the important discussions of General Secretary Xi Jinping,Invite you to learn together。 mobile

You must not have the slightest paralysis on the issue of grain safety,Can't think of entering industrialization,Eating problems can be available,Don't expect to rely on the international market to solve。If we are unstable, our own rice bowl,It will be subject dafabet mobile loginto people。Want to plan ahead,Always tighten the string of food safety,Always insist on me as the main、Based on domestic、Make sure capacity、Moderate import、Technology support。

—— March 6, 2022,Xi Jinping's speech when he visited the agricultural social welfare and social security community who participated in the Fifth Session of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

Agricultural Qiang,The first is that the capacity of food and important agricultural products must be strong。years,We rely on our own strength to stabilize Chinese rice bowls,More than 1.4 billion people eat and eat。Now,Grain demand rigid growth,The pressure of the rice bowl is high。Must consolidate the foundation of food safety,Both the material foundation,Strengthening hiding food、Tibetan grain for skills,It is also necessary to grasp the mechanism protection,Increase production capacity、Structure Optimization、Toughness enhancement、Income guarantee、Responsibility compact。

December 23, 2022,Xi Jinping's speech at the Central Rural Working Conference

my country has more than 1.4 billion people,Grain safety must be guaranteed by ourselves,Chinese rice bowls should be mainly equipped with Chinese food。To build a high standard farmland,Promote moderate scale operation,Strengthen policy support and demonstration leaders,Increase good varieties、Good opportunity、Good law promotion strength,Effective work on fine cultivation,Further put the food production and quality of food,Make grain planting can also become rich,Then attract more farmers to participate in the development of modernization of modernization,Really steadily take the road to modernization with Chinese characteristics。

March 19, 2024,Speaking when Xi Jinping inspected in Hunan

Solving the problem of eating can not stare at the limited cultivated land,To establish a big food concept

Solving the problem of eating can not stare at the limited cultivated land,To establish a big food concept。To better satisfy the people's beautiful life, you need to start,Master the trend of changes in the food structure of the people,While ensuring the supply of food,Guarantee meat、Vegetables、Fruit、Effective supply of various foods such as aquatic products,It won't work if it is missing。

—— March 6, 2022,Xi Jinping's speech when he visited the agricultural social welfare and social security community who participated in the Fifth Session of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

Establish a big food concept,Development facility agriculture,Construct a diversified food supply system。Develop rural characteristic industries,Broaden farmers increase income and get rich channels。

October 16, 2022,Xi Jinping's report at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

To build a diversified food supply system,Under the premise of protecting the ecological environment,Expand from cultivated land resources to the entire land and resources,Expansion from traditional crops and livestock and poultry resources to richer biological resources,Forest、Grassland、Rivers and Lakes Essence for food,Cool for plant animals microorganisms、Effective protein,Multiple ways to develop food source。Facilities agriculture can do a lot,To develop sunlight greenhouse、Plant factory and intensive livestock and poultry breeding,Promote the construction of land -based and far -reaching sea farming fishing grounds,Greed up the field of agricultural production space。

December 23, 2022,Xi Jinping's speech at the Central Rural Working Conference

Promoting the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside is the general starting point of the new era and the new journey of the new journey

Party committees and governments at all levels must thoroughly implement the party's central decision -making deployment,Anchor to build a strong country target,Stabilize the Basic Agricultural Disk,Do a good job of doing a good job in the new era and new journey "agriculture, rural areas",Comprehensively promote rural revitalization,Accelerate the pace of modernization of agriculture and rural areas,Insist on increasing the income of farmers' income as the central task of the work of "agriculture, rural areas, and rural areas",Thousands of ways to broaden farmers to increase income and get rich channels,Make farmers pockets more and more drum、Life is getting better and better,Painted a new picture of livable and livable and beautiful rural villages!

September 2023,Xi Jinping extended holiday congratulations and sincere greetings to the comrades of farmers and working on the "agriculture and rural" front

Guided dafabet loginby the socialist thought of Chinese characteristics in the new era,Fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party and the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee,Anchor to build a strong country target,Take the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside as the general starting point of the new era and the new journey of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers",Learning and using the "10 million project" experience,Adactions to local conditions、Category Dharma,step by step、For a long time,Concentrated strength grasps the practical things that can be done in a group of people with a good job。

December 2023,important instructions made by Xi Jinping on the work of "agriculture, rural areas"

Promoting the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside is the general starting point of the new era and the new journey of the new journey。Hunan should carry the heavy responsibility to maintain national food security,Grasp the two key pests of seeds and arable land,Accelerate the seed industry、Key core technology of agricultural machinery。Adhere to the view of big agriculture、Great Food Concept,Actively develop characteristic agricultural and agricultural processing industries,Improve the level of agricultural industrialization。

March 21, 2024,Speaking when Xi Jinping inspected in Hunan