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The Party Committee of the Northwest Branch organized a theme watching activity

Release date: 2024-06-02 & nbsp & nbsp Author: Zhang Man & Nbsp & Nbsp Source: Northwest Branch & Nbsp & Nbsp Click volume: 5651 & nbsp & nbsp Share to:

Recently,The Party Committee of the Northwest Branch launched a red -themed movie viewing activity,Organize cadres and employees to watch the major party history movie "Our July"。

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The movie "Our July" is a record of a party history with the campaign of helping the eyebrows,Real reproduction of the Chinese People's Liberation Army in Shaanxi in July 1949、The whole process of the decisive battle with the Kuomintang army in Meixian area,Vividly portrayed the heroic and tenacious people of the People's Liberation Army、Dare to fight、Heroes who are not afraid of sacrifice。

This movie watching activity is not only a baptism of the thought of soul -casting the soul,It is a red education that practice the original mission。After the movie viewing activity is over,Everyone said,Remember history at all times,Cherish the happy life of countless revolutionary martyrs with life and blood,Disposal the power from the heroic spirit and revolutionary spirit of the revolutionary predecessors。To inherit the red gene dafabet mobile appin the responsibility of performing duties,In the responsibility as the red blood of the middle of the cricket,Promoting the high -quality development of the branch to achieve new progress。