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Han Yichang was invited to go to Shanghai Junyao mobileGroup for discussion and exchange

Release date: 2024-06-03 & nbsp & nbsp Author: Jiang Tong & nbsp & nbsp Source: Land Construction Real Estate Group & Nbsp & Nbsp Click volume: 2047 & nbsp & nbsp Share to:

Recently,Secretary of the Party Committee of the Group、Chairman Han Yichang and Wang Junjin, chairman of Shanghai Junyao Group Wang Junjin in Shanghai on strengthening corporate cooperation。Member of the Party Committee of the Group、Deputy General Manager He Lu discussed together。


Wang Junjin welcomes Han Yichang and his party,High -quality development of Shaanxi Land Construction GroupCongratulations to the results。He reviewed the cooperation between the two parties to build a local project and the situation of mutual learning and exchanges,and thanks to the investment and support in the construction of the Shaanxi Land Construction Group.。Wang Junjin said,Jianjian Group as a state -owned state -owned state -owned by Shaanxi ProvinceLarge scaleEnterprise,With a glorious development process、​​Solid development foundation and broad development prospects,Shanghai Junyao Group hopes to strengthen the docking、Find the Point Following Point,Further explore more cooperation opportunities in related fields such as agriculture,Promote the formation of more pragmatic cooperation results,Realize the advantages complement、mutual benefit and win -win。

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Han Yichang expressed his gratitude for the trust of Shanghai Junyao Group in the past dafabet logincooperation,and point out,Shanghai Junyao Group as the top 500 Chinese private enterprises,Business multiple、Stable operation,Flexible operation mechanism、Strong market sensitivity,and continue to insist on creating value for society,The operating philosophy of the Shaanxi Land Construction Group and the height of the main direction of the development of new quality,I hope that the two parties will be based on the original good cooperation,Continue to play their own talents、Technology、Industry、Resources and other advantages,Further increase the breadth and depth of cooperation,Strong and strong,Contribute more wisdom and strength to the high -quality development of Shaanxi。