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砒 Sandstone and Sandfuch with soil stability and sustainable use research

Release date: 2016-01-20 & nbsp & nbsp Author: & nbsp & nbsp Source: & nbsp & nbsp Click volume: 34254 & nbsp & nbsp Share to:

Tentile person in charge:Luo Lintao

Source:Shaanxi Provincial Science and Technology Development Plan Project (Science and Technology Star) (2011kjxx60

Project funding:1010,000 yuan

Research content:Based on the technical basis of 砒,The purpose is to study the soil characteristics of the replacement soil、water and fat coupling,The benign development of the quality of the synthetic soil,To promote the sustainable use of the soil; at the same time, the sustainable use of water resources in the research area,It aims to lay a solid foundation for the large -scale promotion and application of the soil technology of the sandstone and the sand in Maowu Su Sand。

Get results:Publishing 1 monograph.