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Wang Shuguang

Release date: 2016-01-20 & nbsp & nbsp Author: & nbsp & nbsp Source: & nbsp & nbsp Click volume: 48567 & nbsp & nbsp Share to:


Born in June 1967,Lantian people in Shaanxi,Member of the Communist Party of China,Bachelor degree,Zheng Senior Economist。The current member of the group party committee、Director,Member of the Academic Committee。Six topics including the completion of the "Shaanxi Harmonious Ecological Model Research and Practice of the Comprehensive Governance of Salt and Alkali Land in Shaanxi" have been successfully awarded Shaanxi Province Science and Technology 1、Second -class award; the participating "Sandstone and Sandfura Equipment of Tuhaochantian Key Technology and Engineering Application" project won the second prize of the 2019 National Science and Technology Progress;,4 items of practical dafabet mobile loginnew patents,Published multiple papers in domestic core academic journals。