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Wen Pengfei: Diligent and innovative pioneer

Release Date: 2016-01-06 & nbsp & nbsp Author: & nbsp & nbsp Source: & nbsp & nbsp Click volume: 37092 & nbsp & nbsp Share to:

Wen Pengfei accompanied the person in charge of the Longxian Land Bureau to conduct on -site research in the completed demonstration project

28 years old,The age of Fenghua Zhengmao,Some people may still be asking for learning on campus,But he has been silently dedicated to the front -line engineering position of Weibei Company in Shaanxi for 5 years。His name is Wen Pengfei。  

4 years ago,He has been engaged in land rectification project in Chengcheng County, Weinan,Responsible for the management of dafabet casino mobile appthe project management of the land improvement project and the coordination of the peripheral environment。Professional knowledge for land engineering,He is learning while learning,Frequently ask leaders、Colleagues and technical officers for construction,Over the passage of time,His business technology is more skilled,It also grew into excellent technical backbone。

2015 Weibei Company established the Baoji Project Department,Appoint him as the person in charge of the project,Responsible for developing a new land rectification business market in various counties and districts in Baoji City。He has never been responsible for project construction independently,Feeling great pressure,On the day of the Lantern Festival 2015, he hurriedly packed what he needed,drive from Chengcheng County to Longxian County, Baoji City。

With a off -road vehicle、A driver、A colleague,He set foot on the new market for pushing chickens、Breaking the journey of the zero project of the Baoji market。Day,Busy entering the mountain、Go to the mountain to survey the reserve resources to find developable projects,Sit in the office at night,Think about how to break with the local county and township governments、The work dilemma of the communication between cadres and the masses。The project area of ​​the survey is relatively remote,Go out in the morning,Very late to come back,Hurry figures walk in the project area of ​​Shangao Road,Makes his body more tired。But he can't sleep,The project has not yet started construction,Not approved by the local government department,Great pressure makes him insomnia。The ashtray in front of the table is always full,Look at him in deep thought,Everyone can't bear to disturb。

With the Land and Resources Bureau of Long County、Township governments、Communication and coordination of the village group,He deeply realized,You must first make friends before doing things。Make friends with heart nest,Slowly let everyone have a deeper dafabet mobile appunderstanding of him,Think he is a real person。So the real thing is definitely a real thing。Mission of the public welfare of land rectification engineering,Invite the main person in charge of the Longxian Land Bureau to the high standard demonstration project built by the Chengcheng project department of Weibei Company for on -site investigation,,Standardization of the company's design、Construction processization and scientific management: report on the project content,Then invited the Longxian Land and Resources Bureau and the relevant person in charge of Chengcheng County Land Bureau to conduct discussions and exchanges。I moved the government leadership with my own sincerity,With the company's high standard project, the company's strength,Won the strong support of Longxian Land and Resources Bureau in one fell swoop,Open the market market for the Longxian Land Remediation Project。

Ecological environment of each county and districts in Baoji City is beautiful,Humanities strong,Longxian even adheres to the "ecological county、Environmental Priority ",Therefore, the past land improvement thinking and work experience are no longer suitable for the new requirements of Baoji City。To break the deadlock as soon as possible,Wen Pengfei bold innovation,Seize the opportunity to sign the investment promotion agreement with Weibei Company and Longxian Land and Resources Bureau,Efforts to build the first demonstration project of the group company in Baoji City-Lanjiabao Village, Hebei Town, Longxian。Comprehensive consideration "Farm、Lin、Water、Ring "various departments of various departments for engineering construction,At the beginning of the project plan,Fusion of engineering construction with ecological protection,The construction effect of the project has also achieved a win -win situation for the construction of human ecology and engineering,Get unanimous praise from the local government and the masses of Longxian County,and with the local land department、The main person in charge of the dafabet mobile apptownship has forged a deep work friendship,fully reflects his concept of being a person in advance。

HeAlways said: "Job height,I don’t care,As long as the company does not let me be idle。"HeInput of your whole bodyto​​Among the projectsWinGroup Corporation "Advanced Individual "Honor Title in 2015,This is positive,Also spurred。 New year,He is full of confidence,He wants to "solidarity、Responsibility、Upward "is passed on to everyone,With a rigorous working attitude and noble personality charm to condense the project department into a unity and upward、Vibrant collective,Lead everyone to successfully complete the new task target,Make greater contributions to the Group's development。