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Yan'an Branch promoted the group's "two -united bag" industry poverty alleviation and rooting root

Release date: 2020-11-02 & nbsp & nbsp Author: & nbsp & nbsp Source: Yan'an Branch & nbsp & nbsp Click volume: 19707 & nbsp & nbsp Share to:

Recent,Yan'an Branch purchased 500 high rods of high rods in Shuigou Village, Windou Town, Shangnan County, from the group's "two -united" counterpart.,Planting in the urban cultural tourism complex (hotel group) project area of ​​Yan'an New District。The "two committees" of Shuigou Village expressed sincere thanks for this,and assigned professional and technical personnel to guide the scene。

Yan'an Branch helps the group's "two -united bag" industry poverty alleviation to the industrial chain poverty alleviation transformation,Changing "Blood -in -Blood Poverty Alleviation" is "hematopoietic poverty alleviation",A practical contribution to the group's "two -united bag" poverty alleviation work。

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