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Construction of Comprehensive Company Company's Discipline Inspection Commission to carry out supervision and inspection work

Release date: 2021-03-19 & nbsp & nbsp Author: & nbsp & nbsp Source: Land Construction Comprehensive Company & NBSP & Nbsp Click volume: 20367 & nbsp & nbsp Share to:

Recently,Construction Comprehensive Company Discipline Inspection Commission to supervise and inspect the greening project of Yongshou Hotel Project and Ecological Company Xianyang Enterprise Incubation Park Project。

Company Discipline Inspection Commission viewed the progress of the greening project of Yongshou Hotel and Xianyang Enterprise Incubation Park.,Touching the actual difficulties in the production and operation process。and requires projects to strengthen key positions、Learning and education of key personnel party style and clean government,Strengthen the concept of legal system、Disciplinary consciousness,In project construction、Management、Material procurement and other links strictly control,Continue to consolidate the political ecology of the development company。

This supervision and inspection is the construction of the company's disciplinary committee to build the party style and clean government、Anti -corruption work and specific measures to guide the extension of the grassroots level in key areas。​​Future,dafabet loginThe Discipline Inspection Commission of the Company will organize the supervision and inspection of each project department from time to time,Early discovery to do the problem、Early reminder,Provide a strong political guarantee for the company's healthy development。

(Contributor: Zhang Jin)