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Shangnan County Party Committee and County Government sent a thank you letter to the group company

Release date: 2021-02-07 & nbsp & nbsp Author: & nbsp & nbsp Source: Shangluo Branch & nbsp & nbsp Click volume: 20660 & nbsp & nbsp Share to:

Recently,Shangnan County Party Committee and County Government sent a thank you letter to the group company。Thank you for your help and care for the poverty alleviation work of Shangnan County,Affirmation and praise of the Group's poverty alleviation work in Shangnan County。 


Consolation letter points out,Since the development of assistance,Group actively fulfills the social responsibility of state -owned enterprises,Place poverty alleviation work at an important position at all times,Multiple poverty alleviation projects in Shangnan County,"Two Unions and One Pack" Squaregou Village, which helped the mouth, successfully realized the "household exit、Village list "Poverty Alleviation target,Joint cooperation in Shangnan County urban and rural construction land increase or decrease linked project、The Angou Ecological Tea Garden project that supports construction is also completed and passed the acceptance。On the occasion of this Spring Festival,Shangnan dafabet mobile loginCounty Party Committee、The county government and 250,000 Shang Nanxian people sincerely wish the group company's work in various tasks、Filling,Bless all cadres and employees all the best、Happiness and Ankang。

(Contributor: Song Xinyi)