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Shaanxi Provincial Land Remediation Engineering Technology Research Center

Release date: 2021-05-19 & nbsp & nbsp Author: & nbsp & nbsp Source: & nbsp & nbsp Click volume: 16980 & nbsp & nbsp Share to:


2011,Established with the approval of the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Science and Technology,It is currently the only provincial and ministerial -level land remediation engineering research center,Academician Shanlun of the Chinese Academy of Engineering is the chairman of the technical committee,R & D and engineering and technical personnel,It is an important part of the technical innovation system with an enterprise as the main body of Shaanxi Province。

The center mainly combines the characteristics and technical needs of the land improvement project,Research and development new technology、Introducing the scientific and technological achievements of digesting the industry and related fields for integration and innovation,and the scientific and technological achievements obtained by engineering and industrialization incubation,Promoting and applied to the land improvement engineering industry in Shaanxi Province,To provide dafabet logintechnical support for improving the scientific and technological innovation capabilities of Shaanxi Province's land improvement engineering industry and the technical level of the entire industry; gathering、Training、Output high -level land remediation engineering technical talents and engineering management talents,Comprehensively improve the science and technology and management level of employees in the field of land improvement engineering in Shaanxi Province。