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Group organization holds a carbon neutralized technology symposium

Release date: 2021-09-02 & nbsp & nbsp Author: Zhang Jing & nbsp & nbsp Source: Quality and Technology Department & nbsp & nbsp Click volume: 20608 & nbsp & nbsp Share to:

September 1,Group organization holds a carbon neutralized technology symposium,Special invitation to Zhongke Carbon Zhong and ESG Digital Research Institute、Two experts from Zhongguancun Carbon Zhonghe ESG Innovation Center participated in the meeting。

At the symposium,The participating experts on the background of the "double carbon" and the status quo at home and abroad、Carbon neutralization、Carbon Side Resource、Carbon emission transactions and other related knowledge introduced,Participants around the group's main business,Discussion on the fitting point of carbon neutralization and group business,Especially for how to carry out carbon exchange projects for how to carry out the actual work of its own work,The possibility of exploring the group entering the carbon exchange trading market。This meeting is the Group's response to the country's carbon -to -peak、Active exploration of carbon neutralization。

      Group Engineering Technology Department、Building Real dafabet loginEstate Group Corporation、Build a comprehensive company、Construction Institute、Hanzhong Branch、Construction of Guantian Company、Yang Ling Innovation Center and other relevant person in charge attended the discussion。