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Weibei Branch Party Committee carried out voluntary tree planting activities

Release date: 2021-03-12 & nbsp & nbsp Author: Chen Xiaoyu & nbsp & nbsp Source: Weibei Branch & Nbsp & Nbsp Click volume: 20238 & nbsp & nbsp Share to:

March 12,The party branches of Weibei Branch have organized obligations of tree planting activities。

       During the event,The first party branch carried out the theme of "breathing fresh oxygen planting hope" theme,Dig pits by fixed -point、Planting landfill, etc.,Hope of planting spring,Green Park,Bring new green and vitality to the branch of the branch。The Fourth Party Branch launched the "Protecting Green Ecology,Practicing the Mission of Pure Land "Theme Tree Planting Activity,Party members and comrades are divided into labor collaboration,Pull line cloth、Dig pits and plant seedlings、Watering of the soil,After more than an hour of hard work,The rows of sapling on the roadside of the project area stand upright,Integrated into a beautiful green landscape with the project area。This activity further enhanced the cohesion and direction of the party committee of the branch.,Improving the ecological protection consciousness of party members,Enhance dafabet mobile logineveryone’s spiritual civilization construction momentum。Everyone said,In the future, we will better shoulder "make the land cleaner、Homeland is safer、Ecology is more beautiful "corporate mission,Investment in the Pure Land Engineering Business with higher enthusiasm。