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Group grass -roots group organizations have won many honors of the SASAC

Release date: 2023-05-06 & nbsp & nbsp Author: Li Jiaze & nbsp & nbsp Source: Youth League Committee & Nbsp & Nbsp Click volume: 10380 & nbsp & nbsp Share to:

Recently,The Working Committee of the Communist Youth League Shaanxi Provincial SASAC announced the list of "Two Reds and Two Excellent" in 2022。Weibei Branch Group Branch、Construction of the Guantian Company Youth League branch won the title of "May 4th Red Banner Group Branch",Construction of the company's technician Li Xuyang、Employee of Xianyang Branch, Lilina, won the title of "Excellent Communist Youth League",Li Mi, Secretary of the Youth League branch of the Northwest Branch, won the title of "Excellent Communist Youth League Cadres"。


2022,Under the strong leadership of the Party Committee of the Group and the Provincial SASAC,Group organizations at all levels of the group and the youths of all members of the group insist on the guidance of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics,In -depth study, propaganda and implementation of the 20th spirit of the party,Tightly surround the group center work,Continuously promoting the in -depth integration of Tuanqing work and production and operation,Significant results。

The results are not easy to come,In future work,The Youth League Committee will continue to adhere to the party dafabet mobile loginto educate people,Continuous enhanced leadership、Organizational force and cohesion,Opportunities for the special operation of the "Green" brand to help the "Three Years" event,Inspired and guided all members of all members of the group to strive for the strengthening of party spirit、Striving for the construction of major projects、Striving for first -class performance、Striving for safe production,Create new skills for the high -quality development of the group with practical performance。