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Spring Breeze Ten Miles Fanghua Burning

Group Trade Unions Carry out the "March 8th" International Labor Women's Day series activities

Release date: 2024-03-08 & nbsp & nbsp Author: Hu Yixuan Liu Lu & nbsp & nbsp Source: Trade Union & Nbsp & Nbsp Click volume: 5208 & nbsp & nbsp Share to:

Spring Warm March,Fanghua bloom,The 114th "March 8th" International Labor dafabet loginWomen's Day will step on the spring breeze and come to,To enrich the cultural life of female employees,Fully mobilize the "her" power of the new chapter of high -quality development,The Group's Trade Union Organization has carried out a series of celebrations with the theme of "Keep in mind the establishment of new skills · Yongli tide exhibition style"。

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In the warm spring of spring,Female employees may go with each other,Close to nature,Enjoy the fun of life; or experience yoga,Strong body fitness,Release work pressure。

"Women's Power" knowledge science


Through knowledge lecture、Fun Answers、Ancient Poetry Dragon、You come to guess and other ways,Pass knowledge to female employees,Activity is both interesting and cultural,It has also reached relaxed body and mind、Purpose of learning and communication。

"Rose Book Fragrant" reading club


Organize female employees to conduct tutoring reading sharing meeting,Recommended by reading book list、Theme reading and other links,Invite female employees to share and exchange reading perception,Guide the majority of female employeesInheritance red home style、Promoting family civilization、Help Shuxiang Society,New Era of Jian Gong and Establishment

"Maintenance'She'Rights and interests "law popular science


Teach lectures through experts、Online answer、Watching educational films and other methods to female employees' "Protection Law of the Women's Rights and Interests of the People's Republic of China" and "Special Regulations for the Special Regulations for the Protection of Women's Workers in Shaanxi Province" and other laws dafabet mobile appand regulations,Enhance the legal consciousness of women,Protection of legitimate rights and interests,Promote family harmony and social stability。

"Fanghua Freedom" fun activity


Painted glass、National Fan Fan Production、Creative Dessert、Tang Guozi Made ... Various interesting activities are rich in content、Wonderful and interesting。Female employees feel the beauty of national style at zero distance、Elegant flower art、Ceramic Art、At the same time of tea art culture,Further improved personal aesthetic literacy,Unity FriendsThe cultural atmosphere of harmony is becoming stronger.

"Flying Gel" movie viewing meeting


 Watch "Twenty" and "Hot Spicy" through organizations,Let female employees know more deeply about legitimate defense,and encourages every woman to continue to glow in their posts,Give full play to the power of women,Posted half of the sky。

The horn of the new journey has sounded,"Building the ground" will firmly seize the opportunity,Contribute "her" power on the road of new journey、"She" wisdom,Use actual action to compose a new chapter of the group's high -quality development。

The trade unions at all levels of the group will continue to organize the "Welcome to 38th · Celebration Sixth" to share parent -child education activities,Give full play to the key role of employees in the construction of home style,Build a good family with a good family style,Create a clean and clean environment。