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Hanzhong Branch participated in the Chenggu County Mini Marathon

Release date: 2024-03-22 & nbsp & nbsp Author: Qin Jiaru & nbsp & nbsp Source: Hanzhong Branch & nbsp & nbsp Click volume: 4909 & nbsp & nbsp Share to:

March 22,Hanzhong Branch organizes cadres and employees to actively participate in the mini marathon hosted by the Chenggu County Federation of Trade Unions and Education and Sports Bureau。


Along with the emitting gun,,In the cheer applause of the people watching the people,The participants of the branch shake,Run with thousands of marathon enthusiasts in the green field and golden flower sea。Everyone fully promotes the challenge、Sports spirit beyond the limit,Cheer up with each other,Feeling the charm of regional culture and field,Also happy body and mind,Strong body,Interpret the melody with a hard work,Running out of the vigorous style of "building people"。

This activity further promoted the deep integration of the branch company and the territory of the project,Further enriched the amateur cultural life of the employees of the branch,Let everyone invest in work with fuller enthusiasm and good state,Performance of duties, mobileCreate vitality、Unity and upward officer entrepreneurial atmosphere。