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Guangtai Consulting Company Discipline Inspection Commission held a special meeting of the Discipline Inspection Commission

Release date: 2024-03-15 & nbsp & nbsp Author: Yin Xuehui & nbsp & nbsp Source: Guangtai Consulting Company & NBSP & Nbsp Click volume: 4739 & nbsp & nbsp Share to:

March 15,The Discipline Inspection Commission of Guangtai Consulting Company organized a special meeting of the Discipline Inspection Commission,and supervise all cadres and employees signed the "Cadre Cadre Inspection Division"。


The meeting conveyed the spirit of the Group's 2023 Grassroots Discipline Inspection Commission's responsibility and educational rectification summary meeting,Study on the newly revised "Regulations on the Disciplinary Action of the Communist Party of China",and concentratedly watched the warning education film。Conference emphasized,All cadres and employees should improve their political standing,Strengthening political theory forces。Company Discipline Inspection Commission must continue to play the function of supervision and guarantee,IncreaseWarning education and supervision intensity,Effectively fulfill the responsibility of supervision and inspection of the Discipline Inspection Commission,escort for dafabet loginthe company's development。