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Tongchuan Branch held a "Safety Production Month" activity launch meeting

Release date: 2024-06-03 & nbsp & nbsp Author: Liu Zhenming & nbsp & nbsp Source: Tongchuan Branch & nbsp & nbsp Click volume: 1643 & nbsp & nbsp Share to:

June 3,Tongchuan Branch organized all cadres and employees to hold a safety production session and "Safety Production Month" activity launch meeting。

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The conference focuses on conveying and learning the provincial security committee office、Group's spirit of work safety work and "Standards for Judgment of Major accidents",Watch the "Safety Production Responsibility in Shoulder" warning educational film,The person in charge of the branch taught the special course of the "Compliance with the Personal Safety Law as the first responsible person",and organized the signature activity of "Safety Production Oath" and "Safety Production Month"。Conference emphasized,Leading cadres at all levels and all employees must fully implement the decision -making deployment of the provincial and group on the work safety work,Take the "Safety Production Month" activity as an opportunity,Further pressing and tightening the main responsibility of the main body of real safe production,Increase the hidden danger investigation and rectification,Strengthen dafabet mobile appthe control of control,Implement preventive measures,Fundamentally eliminate hidden dangers、Solve the problem,Promoting the production safety governance mode to preventing transformations in advance,The high -quality development of the branch has continued to create a good and stable good environment。