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Xiao Wanpeng, Director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Chenggu County, went to Chenggu Binjiang New Town Project for investigation

Release date: 2024-06-06 & nbsp & nbsp Author: Wang Bo & Nbsp & Nbsp Source: Hanzhong Branch & nbsp & nbsp Click volume: 1564 & nbsp & nbsp Share to:

June 6,The Party Secretary of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Chenggu County、Director Xiao Wanpeng and his party went to Chenggu Binjiang New Town Project for investigation。


During the survey,Xiao Wanpeng heard the report on the project of the project on the project of the Binjiang New City project of Chenggu County,In -depth field research,Give full affirmation of project progress。Xiao Wanpeng emphasized,All functional departments of Chenggu County should strengthen communication with Hanzhong Branch,Active on -site service,Effectively solve the land reporting in the project construction、Problems such as procedures and other aspects,Go all out to speed up the project construction,Fully create charm Binjiang、Charm City Gu,Provides strong support for promoting the high -quality development of the county。

Chenggu County Housing Construction Bureau、Natural Resources Bureau、dafabet loginBinjiang New City Development and Construction Leading Group、Relevant persons in charge of the Hanzhong Branch and other units attended the survey。