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Ankang Branch and Yunnan Province Tengchong City Government Merchants Investigation Group discussed and exchanged

Release date: 2024-06-06 & nbsp & nbsp Author: Li Jian & nbsp & nbsp Source: Ankang Branch & Nbsp & Nbsp Click volume: 1799 & nbsp & nbsp Share to:

June 6,Ankang Branch and Yunnan Province Tengchong City Government Investment Promotion Regiment conducted discussions and exchanges on deepening corporate cooperation。

Symposium and exchange .jpg

will be on,Group's foreign cooperation and the Ministry of Science and Technology、The person in charge of Ankang Branch mainly introduced the business layout of Shaanxi Land Construction Group、Overview of foreign cooperation and the development of Ankang Branch。Li Yan, Deputy Director of the Industrial and Information Bureau of Tengchong City, Yunnan Province、Deputy Director of the Investment Promotion Bureau Zhang Jinxie introduced the economic development of Tengchong City、Industrial layout、Investment promotion、Future planning and key investment projects。During the period,The two parties conducted in -depth discussions on their respective concerns,and agree with it,Both parties have broad cooperation space in multiple fields,I hope this symposium is an opportunity,Further strengthening in land engineering technology、Cooperation and exchanges in industrial development,jointly promoting the dafabet mobile loginprosperity and development of the economic and social between the two places。

Before the meeting,The Tengchong Municipal Government China Merchants Group visited the group's "Entering the Emperor Construction" exhibition hall、Basic Experimental Center and Digital Intelligent Management Center of Large Projects。