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Continue to do a good job of innovation.

Release date: 2024-06-07 & nbsp & nbsp Author: & nbsp & nbsp Source: & nbsp & nbsp Click volume: 3821 & nbsp & nbsp Share to:

Recent,"Seeking" magazine published the important article of General Secretary Xi Jinping "Development of new quality and productivity is the inherent requirements and important efforts to promote high -quality development"。Emphasis on the article,"The significant feature of new productivity is innovation,Innovation of both the level of technology and business mode,It also includes innovation at the level of management and institutional level。You must continue to do a good job of innovation.,Promoting new productive productivity to accelerate development。"This article sorts out some of the relevant important discussions of General Secretary Xi Jinping,Invite you to learn together。 mobile

Vigorously promote technological innovation。New productive productivity is mainly formed by technological revolutionary breakthroughs。Technology innovation can give birth to new industries、New mode、New momentum,is the core element of developing new productivity。dafabet mobile appThis requires us to strengthen scientific and technological innovation, especially original、Undverted technological innovation,Accelerate the realization of high -level technology self -reliance。January 31, 2024,Xi Jinping's speech at dafabet mobile appthe eleventh collective study of the Political Bureau of the 20th Central Committee

The development of emerging fields is fundamentally derived from the innovation and application of science and technology。To enhance innovation and self -confidence,Persist in me as the main,Start from actual,Vigorously promote independent innovation、Original Innovation,Create new productive and new combat effectiveness growth poles。To grasp the cross -fusion development characteristics of emerging areas,Strengthen integrated innovation and comprehensive application,Promote the formation of multi -point breakthrough、The vivid situation of the group burst out。March 7, 2024,Xi Jinping's speech at the PLA and the Armed Police Forces delegation of the 14th National People's Congress of the National People's Congress

Promote industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation

Promote industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation。The technological achievements are transformed into real productivity,The expression form is a new industry、Promote the depth of the industry's depth transformation and upgrade。So,We need to apply scientific and technological innovation achievements to the specific industry and industrial chain,Transformation and improvement of traditional industries,Cultivate and expand emerging industries,Layout to build future industries,Improve the modern industrial system。—— January 31th,Xi Jinping's speech at dafabet mobile appthe eleventh collective study of the Political Bureau of the 20th Central Committee

Leading industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation,Actively cultivate and develop new productive forces。Based on the foundation of the real economy,bigger and stronger advanced manufacturing,Actively promote the new type of industrialization,Transformation and improvement of traditional industries,Cultivate and expand emerging industries,Endial layout Construction Future Industry,Accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system supported by advanced manufacturing。Pay more attention to the in -depth integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation,Strengthening major technology research,Technical support ability to enhance industrial innovation and development。dafabet mobile appStrengthen the status of corporate innovation subjects,Innovative consortium of building close cooperation in upstream and downstream,Promoting the innovation of industry -university -research integration,Accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements to real productivity。In -depth implementation of major technology transformation and upgrading and large -scale equipment update project,Promote the high -end manufacturing industry、Intelligent、Green Development,Let traditional industries rejuvenate new vitality。March 20, 2024,Xi Jinping's speech at the promotion of the rise of the central region in the new era

Focus on promoting the innovation of development mode

Focus on promoting the innovation of development mode。Green development is the background color of high -quality development,New productive productivity itself is green productivity。We must accelerate the development method of green transformation,Help carbon peak carbon neutralization。January 31, 2024,Xi Jinping's speech at dafabet mobile appthe eleventh collective study of the Political Bureau of the 20th Central Committee

To focus on national strategic needs,Coordinated Promoting Traditional Industry Transformation and Promotion、Cultivation and growth of emerging industries、Future industrial advanced layout,Fully release the efficiency of the real economy and digital economy fusion,Develop new productive forces for local conditions。We must vigorously promote the development method of green low carbon transformation,Promote green environmental protection scientific and technological innovation and industrial development。May 2024,Speaking when Xi Jinping inspected in Shandong

Solid the innovation of institutional mechanism

The world has entered the era of big science,The degree of basic research is getting higher and higher,System guarantee and policy guid。The institutional mechanism of supporting basic research and original innovation in my country has basically established but not perfect,It must be optimized and refined the reform plan,Give play to the system、Policy value driving and strategic traction function。— February 21, 2023,Xi Jinping's speech at the third collective study of the Political Bureau of the 20th Central Committee

Solid the innovation of institutional mechanism。Production relationship must be compatible with the requirements of productivity development。Develop new productive forces,We must further deepen the reform,Forms a new type of production relationship that is compatible with it。January 31, 2024,Xi Jinping's speech at dafabet mobile appthe eleventh collective study of the Political Bureau of the 20th Central Committee

Deepen the talent work mechanism innovation

Deepen the talent work mechanism innovation。It is necessary to follow the requirements of new productive productivity,Unblocked Education、Technology、The benign cycle of talent,Improve talent training、Introduction、Use、Reasonable flowing working mechanism。January 31, 2024,Xi Jinping's speech at dafabet mobile appthe eleventh collective study of the Political Bureau of the 20th Central Committee

Member of the science and technology industry and the majority of scientific and technological workers must further strengthen the ambitions of scientific and educational and strong nations,The heavy responsibility of scientific and technological innovation,Strengthen basic research and application basic research,Fight the key core technology tackling battle,Cultivate new kinetic energy for developing new productivity。Practical suggestions and suggestions,Help deepening the reform of the scientific and technological system and the reform of the talent development system and mechanism,Improve the scientific and technological evaluation system and incentive mechanism,Further stimulates the vitality and potential of various talents。March 6, 2024,Xi Jinping is visiting the Democratic Revolution of the Second Session of the 14th CPPCC、Technology industry、Member of the Environmental Resources and attending the joint speech during the joint group