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Xi Jinping: We must be in awe of the party's political discipline and political rules

Release date: 2024-06-11 & nbsp & nbsp Author: & nbsp & nbsp Source: & nbsp & nbsp Click volume: 4093 & nbsp & nbsp Share to:

In the party's various disciplines,Political discipline is the most important、Most fundamental、The most critical discipline。Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized the need to strictly adhere to political discipline and political rules,Promoting political ecological mountains and clear water show。Today,This article sorts out some of the relevant important expositions of General Secretary Xi Jinping,Invite you to learn together。 mobile

Political life within the party is the foundation of comprehensively and strictly governing the party。The party must manage the party,First of all, we must start with the political life within the party;,First of all, we must get strictly from the political life within the party。We want to strengthen and standardize political life within the party,Serious party's political discipline and political rules,Enhance mobilethe political life of the party within the party、Time、Principles、Battle,Comprehensively purify the political ecology within the party。Comrades of the whole party must strengthen political consciousness、Awareness of the overall situation、Core consciousness、Seeing consciousness,Effective to be loyal to the party、Dimension for the party、Responsibility for the party、Responsibility for the party。

July 1, 2016,Xi Jinping's speech at the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

Carry out serious and serious party political life,It is an important feature that our party is different from other political parties as Marxist parties,Is the glorious tradition of our party。Long -term practice proof,Serious life within the party is the nature and purpose of our party adhere to the party's nature、Important magic weapon to maintain advanced and purity,is the "golden key" that solves the contradictions and problems within the party,It is a member of the majority of party members、Cadre to refine the "melting furnace" of party spirit,Is the "purifier" of the pure party style。

October 27, 2016,Xi Jinping's speech at the second plenary session of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Party

Historical experience indicates,Our party as a Marxist party,It must be clearly talked about politics,Standardly carrying out political life within the party。

When will the whole party talk about politics、Normal health in political life within the party,Our party is just windy、Unity of unity,full of vitality,The party's cause is booming; opposite,Just illness、Human heart is scattered、Lost fighting spirit,All kinds of wrong thoughts cannot be corrected in time,Causes serious losses to the party's cause。

February 13, 2017,Xi Jinping ’s leading cadres at the provincial and ministerial levels study and implement the Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Specification Class

Must have awe of the party’s political discipline and political rules

Plan for career development,Formulate policy measures,Cultivation of cadres,Promoting work implementation,All should be focused on the consolidation and enhancement of our party's ruling status,Focusing on the development of the party and the people's cause。Strictly abide by political discipline and political rules,Comprehensive execution of criticism of political life within the party,Ensure that the party's central government order is unblocked,Ensure dafabet mobile appthat local obedience to the overall situation,Ensure that various tasks adhere to the correct political direction。

October 25, 2017,Xi Jinping's speech at the 1st Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Party

As a member of the Central Committee and the main leaders of the provincial and ministerial level,It must be treated with politics as fundamental requirements。Politics is the most fundamental to talk about party spirit,Political position in ideological politics、Political direction、Political Principles、Political Road,In terms of action practice, maintaining the authority of the Party Central Committee、Execution of the party's political route、Strictly abide by the party's political discipline and political rules。The first task of the party's political construction,is to ensure that the whole party obeys the central government,Adhere to the authority of the Party Central Committee and centralized unified leaders,Never have the slightest vague and shaken。

January 5, 2018,Xi Jinping's member of the New Central Committee、Alternate members and main leaders of the provincial and ministerial levels to learn and implement Xi Jinping's new era of socialist thought with Chinese characteristics and the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

Improved political ability must be in awe of the party's political discipline and political rules。We must consciously strengthen political experience,Enhanced political self -control,Always be a political "understanding person"、"Old Real Man"。We must pay attention to improving the theoretical level of Marxism,Learning deep enlightenment,Fusion and penetration,Master dialectical materialism and historical materialism,Master the Marxist position point of view throughout it,Master the Chineseization Marxism,A firm believer in Marxism、Faithful practitioners。

—— October 10, 2020,Xi Jinping ’s speech in the opening class of the young cadre training class of the Central Party School (National Academy of Administration) in the fall of 2020

Active and healthy party political culture,Continue to purify the political ecology within the party

For a long time,Various weakened party's advanced nature、Factors that harm the purity of the party are always available,Virus that erodes the body's physical health is everywhere,If you do not strictly, prevent defense,Frequent cleaning of political dust,Over time, it will be difficult to return。We must always be pregnant with worry、The bottom line thinking,Always maintain the firmness and consciousness dafabet loginof the blade inward,Calcium supplement bone、Detoxification and sterilization、Diseases and healing injuries、Remove the muscle,Active and healthy party political culture,Continue to purify the political ecology within the party,Gathering the powerful positive energy of the turbidity and clearing,Make the party never deteriorate、Non -color color、Non -flavored flavor。

January 9, 2023,Xi Jinping's speech at the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Discipline Inspection Commission

Perseverance to purify the political ecology。Persist in turbidity and clearing together,Strict political discipline and political rules,Political life within the party,Breaking "Hidden Rules",Establish "Ming Rules",Resolutely prevent "small circle"、"Wharf Wharf"、"Passion of the antenna",Factive cracking down on various political scams,Strictly prevent the principle of commodity exchange in the party。Perseverance rectify the unhealthy wind of selection and employment,Promote the formation of a refreshing gay relationship、Regularly down -level relationships,Promoting political ecological mountains and clear water show。

January 8, 2024,Xi Jinping's speech at the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Discipline Inspection Commission

Strongly carry out party discipline learning and education,Guide party members、Cadres truly convert discipline and rules into political consciousness、Consciousness、Action Consciously。One with consistent opposition and punish corruption,Continuously eradicate the soil and conditions of corruption and breeding,Create a political ecology that is clear and clear。

April 2024,Xi Jinping's speech during Chongqing