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Weibei Branch grassroots party branch carried out the theme party day volunteer service activity of "Love in the Dragon Boat Festival"

Release date: 2024-06-07 & nbsp & nbsp Author: Chen Xiaoyu & nbsp & nbsp Source: Weibei Branch & Nbsp & Nbsp Click volume: 5764 & nbsp & nbsp Share to:

Dragon Boat Festival is coming,To make the elderly in the resident jurisdiction feel the festive atmosphere and social care,June 6,Weibei Branch Fourth Party Branch and Qianwei Street Convention and Exhibition Center community to carry out "Love Dragon Boat Festival Conveyor Warm" volunteer service activities。

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Volunteers go to condolences to the family,Send the old people for the old people、Fruit and other Dragon Boat Festival condolences and sincere holiday blessings,and talk to them cordially,Understand the recent situation of the elderly and the difficulties and problems in daily life,Ask them to take care of the body。This festival condolences with strong affection,Make the old people feel kind,Thank you for gratitude,and express this"Care and Blessings" is the most intimate gift for the Dragon Boat Festival,I really feel the care and warmth of the party and the government。

Through this condolences,Not only does the old people live a happy holiday,At the dafabet mobile loginsame time, the distance between the party branches and the community people also brought。The Fourth Party Branch of Weibei Branch will continue to promote co -construction work,Contribute to the local development。