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Construction of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Survey and Planning Institute held a second quarter work meeting

Release date: 2024-06-07 & nbsp & nbsp Author: Liu Peijie & nbsp & nbsp Source: Land Construction Survey and Planning Institute & Nbsp & Nbsp Click volume: 5504 & nbsp & nbsp Share to:

June 7,Construction of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Survey and Planning Institute held a second quarter work meeting。

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The meeting learned the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's recent important speech and important instructions,Regulations on the newly announced "Regulations on the State -owned Enterprise Management Personnel",Arrange and deploy the recent centralized rectification work of the Group Discipline Inspection Commission,Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Company Teaching Party Discipline and Education Special Party Lesson,Reminder of integrity before the Dragon Boat Festival。

Meeting requirements,All party members and cadres must persevere in the education and education of party discipline,"Comprehensive and strict,One strict to the end,Strictly implement the goal requirements of "centralized rectification work of incorrect winds and corruption problems around the masses",Education guidance to the majority of party members and cadres、 mobileZhiji、Mingji、Shouji,At the same time in the upcoming Dragon Boat Festival,Strictly abide by the eight regulations of the Central Committee,Cleaning and integrity。