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Research on key technologies of sandstone and sand reciprocated in leisure period

Release date: 2016-01-20 & nbsp & nbsp Author: & nbsp & nbsp Source: & nbsp & nbsp Click volume: 33813 & nbsp & nbsp Share to:

Tentile person in charge:Wang Huanyuan

Source:Shaanxi Provincial Science and Technology Development Plan Project (Agricultural Reassurance) (2012k01-34

Project funding:610,000 yuan

Research content:Study the sand fixing effect of Maowu Su Sand Land in the process of using the sandstone and the sand reciprocating fields,Determination of the influence factor of the desertification of the leisure desertification during the new reclamation farmland of the region,Display the sand fixing mechanism of 砒 sandstone,Exploring sand fixing technology,Provide technical support for the use of Maowu Sand land for the use of 砒 sandstone。

Get results:revealing the sand fixing mechanism of 砒 sandstone,I proposed a new sand fixing technology,It provides technical support for the use of Maowu Sand land for the use of 砒 sandstone。