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The Party Committee of the Research Institute organized a red movie viewing activity

Release date: 2024-05-10 & nbsp & nbsp Author: Ai Mo & nbsp & nbsp Source: Land Construction Research Institute & nbsp & nbsp Click volume: 3696 & nbsp & nbsp Share to:

May 10,The Party Committee of the Research Institute held the theme viewing activity of "Inheritance Red Genes",Organize party members into the theater to watch the major party history movie "Our July"。


Movie takes the Battle of Meceroma as the background,shows the heroic and tenaciousness of the Chinese People's Liberation Army soldiers、The glorious image of the bloody fight,It is a memory of the revolutionary martyrs、Carrying hero memory、Quality Textbook for Party History and Education, full of red genes。During the movie viewing process, the party members were deeply touched by the heroic spirit and revolutionary spirit of the revolutionary martyrs.,One after another said that it is necessary to take the revolutionary ancestors as an example,Convert patriotic enthusiasm into a powerful motivation for officers to start a business,Further strengthen the ideals and beliefs,Refining strong party dafabet loginspirit,Actively participate in scientific and technological innovation work with more high fighting spirit,Contribute to the high -quality development of the Institute。