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Professor Zhu Yan of Nanjing Agricultural University and his party went to China Shaanxi Agricultural Construction Group to discuss and exchange

Release date: 2024-05-26 & nbsp & nbsp Author: Li Jinshuai & nbsp & nbsp Source: Zhongshan Agricultural Construction Group & nbsp & nbsp Click volume: 740 & nbsp & nbsp Share to:

Recently,Professor Zhu Yan of Nanjing Agricultural University and his party went to China Shaanxi Agricultural Construction Group to discuss and exchange。


Council,Professor Zhu Yan visited the cultivated land soil hall、Soil Resource Library、Key Laboratory of Monitoring and Conservation of Cultivation Land Quality Monitoring and Conservation of Agricultural and Rural Ministry。At the symposium,The main person in charge of the Central Shaanxi Agricultural Construction Group welcomes Professor Zhu Yan of Nanjing Agricultural University and a party.,and briefly from the company、Platform construction、Project Demonstration、Technology Innovation、Talent technology and scientific research capabilities introduced the company's development and construction。Professor Zhu Yan's comprehensive rectification of the company,Soil repair、High -standard farmland construction project、Innovative practices and achievements in smart farmland and other aspects expressed appreciation。dafabet mobile appBoth parties targeting smart agricultural technology、Industrial model and management are conducted in -depth discussions and exchanges,and agree that we must give full play to their respective advantages,In smart agriculture、Research and development of scientific research projects to strengthen cooperation and exchanges,Common serving the national food security strategy。