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Maowu Su Sandy Sandstone and Sandfuching into the soil mechanism and its stability research

Release date: 2017-11-28 & nbsp & nbsp Author: & nbsp & nbsp Source: & nbsp & nbsp Click volume: 39427 & nbsp & nbsp Share to:

Tropical person in charge: Du Yichun

Source: Shaanxi Postdoctoral Research Funding Project

Project funding: 20,000 yuan

Research content:

(1) The adsorption of the sandstone colloid in the wind sand and soil、Unsolle mechanism;

(2) The formation and distribution characteristics of reunion of soil water stability and distribution under different planting conditions。。

Get results:

This research is an important part of the research of sculpture and sand reciprocating soil technology,Analysis of the stability of soil structure and influencing factors after analyzing the stabilization of the sandstone and the sand reciprocating soil,Provide theoretical support for the promotion and application of this technology 砒 砒。