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Ma Zenghui: I can bear loneliness and do a good job of land engineering scientific research

Release date: 2016-03-16 & nbsp & nbsp Author: & nbsp & nbsp Source: & nbsp & nbsp Click volume: 36291 & nbsp & nbsp Share to:

Ma Zenghui is conducting experimental observations and records

He is the first doctor introduced by Shaanxi Land Engineering Construction Group,People of the group company always call him "Mabo"。He is restrained,Strict style,Goodness with others,No publicity,Favorite sports。He is the national science and technology support plan and the backbone of the scientific research of public welfare projects、Patent and software copyright inventor、Core members of the Science and Technology Innovation Team of the Ministry of Land and Resources、Host of Provincial Scientific Research Project、Provincial Science and Technology Award and Group Corporation's Outstanding Contribution Award winners,Where the unit is located is an advanced collective of the national land and resource management system。

Ma Zenghui,Born in July 1977,Cao County, Shandong,Member of the Communist Party of China,Graduate degree,Dr.,Senior engineer title,Come to the Group Corporation in 2009,The current director of the Land Engineering Informatization Research Office of the Land Engineering Technology Research Institute of Shaanxi Land Construction,It is the eighth year to engage in land engineering and information science research in the group。His science and technology research and development mobileof the Pioneer、Participants of the Construction of Scientific Research Platform、Information Technology Expert、The role of the person responsible for scientific research management is in one,Completed various tasks。

I. Science and Technology R & D Capital

Since the company has worked,Researcher Han Yichang, the leader of the Discipline of Land Engineering,Entering comprehensive land remediation and information scientific research。He himself is in Shuo、Bo during reading,I participated in the completion of more than 10 research topics such as the "863" plan of the National "863" plan "Application for Water Conservancy Information Technology Integrated Intermediate Platform and its application"。Participated in the construction of the mobile service platform of the Ministry of Water Resources、"Digital Yellow River" comprehensive information service system and information projects such as the comprehensive information service platform of the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Water Resources。Since joining the job,Hosted the research on the "Research on Online Monitoring Methods of Agricultural Land and Ecological Environment after land remediation" project research,Participated in the National Science and Technology Support Program "Certain Technology Integration and Demonstration of Hollow Village Remediation in the Hills and Hills"、The special welfare industry of the Ministry of Land and Resources "Research and Demonstration Application of Mao Wulusha Land Comprehensive Rectification Technology"、More than 10 items including Shaanxi Provincial Science and Technology Development Plan "Comprehensive Rectification of Rural Waste House Site"。Won 1 first prize of the Shaanxi Provincial Science and Technology Award (main participant),"Software of the Concept Planning System of Land Remediation Project" 6 items 6 items,Already in the Journal of Soil、Journal of Northwest Agricultural Forestry University of Science and Technology、Journal of Hydropower、WICOM2008、Journal of Soil and Water Conservation、Computer Engineering、More than 30 papers published on computer engineering and applications。SCI includes 1 article,EI includes 1 article,More than 20 cores,Participate in writing 6 books,Participate in the formulation of standard 1 item。

2, Participants of the Construction of Scientific Research Platform

First came to the company,The experimental base started to build,The scientific research and living conditions at the time were still poor,There are not many full -time researchers,State and provincial and ministerial scientific research platforms are not available,He recalled: "At first the scientific research staff included me,There are two people,One man and one woman,A Laboratory,A warehouse,Later, the condition is slightly better,Live in the mobile board room,At that time, the laboratory could only detect the conventional physical mobileand chemical indicators of the soil。Group Corporation pays special attention to scientific research,After several years of construction,Basic conditions and living conditions of scientific research have been greatly improved,Full -time researchers have also begun to take shape,From the previous simple laboratory of tens of square meters to the current thousands of square meters of professional laboratories,The detection equipment also has only pH measures、Conventional instruments such as conductivity meter,Until now has atomic absorption、Homotopes、Laser particle size analyzer、Millions of large precision instruments such as an inductive coupling plasma mass spectrometer,Testing items also detected from the soil sample detection of more than 10 indicators,Extension to soil with hundreds of indicators、Water and plant -like detection,and passed the qualification identification of laboratory laboratory。”

While participating in the construction of the hardware platform,Also actively participate in the key laboratory of the Ministry、Provincial Engineering Technology Research Center、The application and establishment of the technological innovation team of the ministry。At the end of 2009,Following the postdoctoral research workstation of the group company of the general manager Han Yanchang,Subsequently participated in the Shaanxi Provincial Land Rectification Engineering Technology Research Center、The Ministry of Land and Resources Degenerate and Unused Laboratory Laboratory、The Ministry of Land and Resources ’Science and Technology Innovation Team and other declaration and establishment work。After several years of scientific research exercise,Personal ability continues to improve,The unit of Shaanxi Land Construction Land Engineering Technology Research Institute is located in the scale and scientific research level.,2015 was rated as the advanced collective of the national land and resources management system,Fortunately to be one of them,He feels glory。

3, Information Technology Expert

He is an informatization construction technical expert,Research on integration of informationization and land engineering has been committed。Methods and technologies familiar with information construction,Familiar with information system planning and design,Profile Java and other development languages,Have a large database sybase、Oracle、DB2 and SQLServer's ability such as large databases,Dedicated research on different data。2012,At the beginning of the formation of the laboratory,He established a laboratory information management system that meets the standards of domestic and foreign standards,Make sure the laboratory detection quality,and Yulin、Yan'an、Weinan and other field test stations are connected through the network,Make it the center of the scientific research data processing of the institute。2015,As a technical person in charge,Established dafabet mobile appa decision support system and concept planning system for the Shaanxi Provincial Land Remediation Project,Through these two systems,For "Tian、Water、Road、Linand other elements for concept planning,Statistics engineering quantity,Generation project proposal,For decision -making decision -making,The establishment of these two systems is the "finding project in the early stage of land improvement、Choose item、Fixed Project "provides informatization support。This job has been well received by superiors and colleagues,and obtained 3 software copyrights。

Fourth, the person in charge of department management

For every employee who comes to the department,He will understand the professional background alone,He often said: "We are in the Institute,Doing a good job of scientific research is our responsibility,Land engineering is a cross -disciplinary discipline,Involved in land resource management、Water Conservancy Project、Soil Science、Plant Nutrition、Several cross -disciplines such as geology,To give full play to the professional advantage of everyone,Long -term tonic,Collective innovation,Comprehensive integration,At the same time,Scientific research work and daily work should be separated,Under the premise of completing daily work,Think about scientific research issues、Complete scientific research tasks,Consciously unconsciously return to the main line of scientific research。"as a front -line manager,Not only should I understand business,Become a technical expert,Also care about each employee,Become a good teacher and friend of employees,Work together to do a good job of the work of the laboratory。As the director of the room, we must work hard to complete the target responsibility of this research office,At the same time as the person in charge of the quality of the land improvement testing center,Put the detection quality and safety in the first place at all times,Do a good job of personnel training、Checking during the period、Quality Control、Equipment calibration、Internal review and other work,Guaranteed quality system files continuously and effective operation,Make sure the test operation specifications、Data accurate、and traceable。

He grows up in a large family like a group of groups in the local area,I found my own direction of life,May contribute to the construction of land engineering disciplines and land engineering business。